Design & Lifestyle

Design is so simple, that´s why it is so complicated.”

- Paul Rand

Parquet and planks with a clear idea of style“


Our pro­duc­tion-fac­to­ry focus­es on the most nat­ur­al of all mate­ri­als - wood - and melt togeth­er with the lat­est trends in fash­ion and inte­ri­or design.


That´s why our exclu­sive wood­en floors are always able to take a lead­ing role in an orig­i­nal lifestyle.


And this is the rea­son why our wood­en floors are always an eye catch­er in every room, regard­less of the size or inte­ri­or design.

The details are not the details. They make the design.”

- Charles Eames

Style cre­at­ed by inspiration“


A beau­ti­ful home in a style that suits you and your needs is always dreamed by most of us.


This dream is not so easy to real­ize to most of us. We from Solid-Parkiet want to make it as sim­ple as pos­si­ble for every­one and help you to find your own, per­son­al style and there­fore the per­fect match­ing wood­en floor.


That´s why we have con­ceived and designed some cen­tral wood­en floors for you.


But if you have oth­er ideas or wish­es that is not a prob­lem, just talk to us.

As we evolve, our homes should, too.”

- Suzanne Tucker

One Design, one Quality, one Name


Our wood­en floors offer a wide range of colours, dimen­sions and sur­face-tex­tures, which allow a large ver­sa­til­i­ty and many com­bi­na­tion pos­si­bil­i­ties.


The aes­thet­ics have pri­or­i­ty but it is not enough if it is not accom­pa­nied by the guar­an­tee of an excel­lent qual­i­ty as well as the promise of a safe use in every­day life.


For all of this we stand as a fam­i­ly-run com­pa­ny with our name Solid-Parkiet.